- And Modi to Find Out if Boiling Water Can Kill Bacteria in Water
- In fact, in real life, many people say that boiling water can kill bacteria, so whether boiling wa……
- 2025-01-21
- Can it be Used When there is a Small Amount of Residual Chlorine in tap Water?
- There will be some residual chlorine in the tap water, because the waterworks will use chlorine di……
- 2025-01-18
- What Happens When Water Contaminated With Heavy Metals is Used for a Long Time?
- With the improvement of our living standards, the process of industrialization and urbanization is……
- 2025-01-16
- Can Drinking Water Contain Zinc?
- Zinc, which is an indispensable trace element in our body, plays a great role in human growth and ……
- 2025-01-15
- The Relevant Departments are Firm in Controlling the Total Nitrogen Index!
- Water pollution has been the attention of everyone! China’s Ministry of Environmental Protec……
- 2025-01-10
- What is Alkalinity? How Should Alkalinity in Water Be Monitored?
- Alkalinity is a parameter that indicates the ability of water to absorb protons, and is usually ca……
- 2025-01-06
- Source of Ammonia Nitrogen in Wastewater, Online Monitoring!
- Ammonia nitrogen has always been one of the important indicators of water quality safety monitorin……
- 2025-01-03
- How Do You Know If There’s too Much Nitrate Nitrogen in the Water?
- Some people ask, what is nitrate nitrogen? What’s the difference between nitrite and nitroge……
- 2025-01-02
- Water Quality Monitoring Must not be Relaxed Under any Circumstances!
- Since 2020, the epidemic still exists, so the water quality and environmental monitoring Center ca……
- 2024-12-31