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Industry Dynamics
Is It Not Important to Install Water Quality Monitoring At the Outfall?
Date:2024-06-12 Browse: 81

We must pay attention to the problem of sewage outlet! If it is not standardized, exceeding the total amount of pollution and other problems will bring serious consequences! So it is not important to install water quality monitoring at the sewage outfall? Is it optional? Of course not!

Recently, the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment notified the special law enforcement activities of pollutant discharge permits in Shaanxi Province in 2020. Of the 1,251 key regulated enterprises, 784 had problems. There are ten major problems, such as non-standard discharge port Settings and exceeding the total amount of discharge. And received the corresponding fine! Which includes the water quality online monitoring equipment installation problem!


The Sewage Discharge Outlet Mainly Has the Following Ten Problems


· Insufficient attention to the implementation of pollutant discharge permit system;

· Sewage permit declaration is not standardized;

· The emission permit is not changed in time;

· Rectification measures are not implemented as required (such as installing water quality online monitoring equipment);

· Sewage outlet setting is not standard;

· There is the phenomenon of exceeding the total amount of pollution;

· The accounting of total pollutant emissions is not accurate.

· The implementation of the “three simultaneous” system for environmental protection and EIA is not in place;

· Abnormal operation of pollution control facilities or discharge of pollutants by means of evading supervision;

· The implementation of environmental management requirements stipulated in the discharge permit is not in place (such as wastewater online monitoring equipment COD, ammonia nitrogen, hexavalent chromium, total nickel monitoring instruments do not sample detection; Ammonia nitrogen, suspended matter are not monitored.

It can be seen that the installation of water quality monitoring is very important! Then Hangzhou Modi-Tech is a production of water quality online monitoring instrument manufacturers, the main products are: total nitrogen online analyzer, water quality Escherichia coli online analyzer, total residual chlorine online analyzer, heavy metal online analyzer in water and so on!