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How do You Know That Too Much Iron in Water is Harmful?
Date:2024-10-23 Browse: 32

In fact, iron is an indispensable trace element in the human body, the lack of iron deficiency in the human body will lead to diseases such as iron deficiency anemia, which directly affects the health of the body. Therefore, the right amount of iron is not only not harmful to the human body, but also beneficial. Does that not take into account exactly how much? Of course not! In life, we often hear that a certain amount of something is good, but too much and too little will affect health problems. It’s the same with iron. Long-term intake of excess iron is also harmful to the human body! Iron can enter the human body through water and food, so do not use if the water exceeds the iron standard!


What are the Specific Hazards of Exceeding the Iron Standard?

China has long stipulated that the iron ion content in drinking water should be ≤0.3 mg/l, when the iron content in water is greater than 0.3 mg/L, the water becomes turbidding, and when the water exceeds 1 mg/l, the water has an iron smell; When water quality with high iron content is used as the medium for boilers, pressure vessels and other equipment, it often causes pollution and poisoning of ion exchange equipment in softening equipment, and brown hard iron scale of pressure equipment, resulting in deformation and pipe explosion accidents, so it is very important for monitoring and treatment of iron-containing water quality.

It has been proven that too much iron in the human body has an effect on the heart and is even more dangerous than cholesterol. Therefore, high-speed iron water must be purified before drinking.

In clear natural groundwater, the iron is mainly soluble divalent iron ion. When the ground is in contact with the air, the iron-containing groundwater is no longer clear and transparent and becomes “yellow soup”. This is mainly due to the oxidation of the bivalent iron ions in the groundwater by the oxygen in the air to produce an orange-yellow iron hydroxide Fe(OH) precipitate (4Fe+02+l0H20=4Fe(OH)3+8H).

How do You Know the Yotal Iron Content in Water?

When the iron content in water is 0.5mg/L, the chroma can reach more than 30 degrees, and when it reaches 1.0mg/L, not only the chroma increases, but also the obvious metallic taste. If the concentration exceeds a certain limit, it will produce reddish-brown sediment, which can leave yellow spots on white fabrics or water utensils and sanitary utensils, and it is also easy to multiply iron extraction bacteria and block pipes. In industry, when used in textile, printing and dyeing, knitting, paper and other industries will affect product quality.

Speaking of this, online water quality monitoring of total iron in water is essential! The T8000-Fe total iron online analyzer produced by Modi-Tech is through strong acid acidification. The pre-treated water sample is injected into the UV digestion reactor by the injection pump to react with strong acidic reagents, dissolve all forms of special in the water, then adjust the pH value of the solution, and then add reducing agent to reduce iron to value, and then add characteristic color developing agent for color developing reaction. In the measuring range, the degree of color change is proportional to the total iron concentration in the water sample, and the total iron content in the water sample can be calculated by measuring the degree of color change.