With the continuous progress of society, water pollution has caused serious damage to the environment, and more and more serious! This chapter water quality online monitoring instrument manufacturers to understand together with you urban sewage treatment plant water quality monitoring problems.
What are the Problems in Water Quality Monitoring of Urban Sewage Treatment Plants?
1.Sewage treatment process
As far as the current situation is concerned, China’s urban sewage plants are divided into the following four types of sewage treatment methods: 1. Activated mud method; 2. Biofilm method; 3. Oxidation pond method; 4. Sequential batch exposure method.
2.So what are the problems in urban sewage treatment?
1) Insufficient biofilm treatment
- We know that the biofilm treatment process covers a large area, and in this case it is not suitable for a large amount of sewage treatment;
- Leakage will often occur some clogging situation;
- In the process of sewage treatment, it is easy to produce filter flies, which is very serious pollution to the surrounding environment;
- The processing flow of the process is more complex, and the operation is not very convenient.
2) Shortcomings of oxidation pond process
Because the occupied land area is too large, it is a serious waste of land resources, and compared with other processes, the stability is also poor, and the oil slick and sludge can not be cleaned as soon as possible.
3) The shortcomings of A/O process
- Because the process involves a lot of instruments, and it is very complex to operate, it is very unfavorable to daily maintenance, so both in the construction and daily maintenance cost is very large;
- The procedure of sludge reflux is very complicated;
- Most pools are too large on the floor;
- Weak impact load resistance.
4) The process does not conform to the actual operation
In sewage treatment, there is a gap between the involved scheme and the actual technical parameters, resulting in the involved scheme deviating from the actual treatment situation.
In addition, remind everyone that the water quality monitor can not be less. Relevant enterprises install water quality monitoring equipment in major sewage discharge outlets to ensure the safety of water quality!