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What if We Regulated the Alkalinity in the Water?
Date:2025-03-07 Browse: 4

Speaking of alkalinity, we’ve already said a lot! Today I’m going to talk to you about the regulation of alkalinity in water. We know that electroplating in water is too high or too low, and how to regulate and maintain the right amount of alkalinity in water? Please look down!


Regulation of Water Body With Low Alkalinity.

For the accumulation of too much low-quality silt, the concentration of organic matter in the water is too high, the water is cloudy, and the fish disease has a spreading trend, which shows that the alkalinity is low, and the application of limestone, quicklime, baking soda, soda and other small amounts of times should be timely, and the alkalinity should be modulated 80-150mg/L. In addition, when selecting materials, it is necessary to first monitor the pH value in the water. If the pH value is too low, quick lime can be used, and the colleagues who adjust the alkalinity can also increase the pH value in the water body. If the pH value is too high, limestone or baking soda can be used to adjust.


Regulation of High Alkalinity Water Body.

If the water body has a high alkalinity, in addition to changing the water, it can also increase the organic fertilizer, and use microorganisms to decompose the organic fertilizer and release carbon dioxide to reduce the alkalinity of the water body. Some of the increase in alkalinity caused by the proliferation of aquatic plants can be taken to reduce the water biomass, thereby reducing the consumption of carbon dioxide and reducing the alkalinity of the water body.

The above is the method of regulating the alkalinity of water, of course, before this you must first use the water quality alkalinity online analyzer to monitor the alkalinity content of water, to know whether it is high or low.